
Reviewed in Teacher's College Record

Reviewed in the Journal of Education
The Advanced Literacy Leadership Framework featured in this book was adopted by New York City as the district-wide literacy framework in 2019 and adapted by the Chicago Public Schools in 2020. The Framework was also featured in the New York State Next Generation Learning Standards, 2017.
Book Chapters
Handbook Chapters
Phillips Galloway, E., Bednorz, J., & Buchanan, B.* (in press). Review of research on the teaching of language for writing within the disciplines of science, mathematics and social studies: Current approaches and future directions. In C. MacArthur, S. Graham, & J. Fitzgerald (Eds.). Handbook of Writing Research, 3rd edition. New York, NY: Guilford.
Phillips Galloway, E. & Lesaux, N. (2023). Literacy architectures: Making the case for systems of learning and teaching to cultivate readers and writers in linguistically diverse schools. In S. Cabell, S. Neuman, and N. Patton-Terry (Eds.). Handbook on the Science of Early Literacy. New York, NY: Guildford.
Uccelli, P., Phillips Galloway, E., & Qin, W. (2020). The Language for School Literacy: Widening the lens on language and reading relations during adolescence. In E. B. Moje, P. Afflerbach, P. Enciso, & N. K. Lesaux (Eds.). Handbook of Reading Research (Vol. V., pp. 155-179). New York, NY: Routledge.
Phillips Galloway, E. & Lesaux, N. (2017). Children Learning to Read in a Nonsocietal Language. In N. Kucrikova, C. Snow, V. Grover, and C. McBride (Eds.). The Routledge International Handbook of Early Literacy Education: A Contemporary Guide to Literacy Teaching and Interventions in a Global Context (Vol. 26, pp. 26–45). New York, NY: Routledge.
Practitioner Book Chapters
Cermikli Ayvaz, B.*; Akgun Ozpolat, E.*; Comoglu, I & Phillips Galloway, E. (in press). Tracing the Power in Multilingual Teacher and Learner Identity Construction. Multilingual TESOL: De-constructing and Re-constructing the Power of, in and for Language Classrooms. Springer.
Phillips Galloway, E., White, H.*, & Jiménez, R. (in press). Learning to notice: Supporting educators of plurilingual learners to notice, name, and scaffold metalanguaging in the middle-grade classroom. In R. Love & P. Proctor (Eds.). Pursuing Language and Metalinguistic Awareness in k-12 Classrooms: A Framework for Critical Engagement. New York, NY: Routledge.
Meston, H.M*. & Phillips Galloway, E. (in press). Visioning Critical Dialogic Education in the SLIFE classroom to transform instruction. In F. Karam & A. Kibler (Eds.) Critical Dialogic TESOL Teacher Education: Preparing Future Advocates and Supporters of Multilingual Learners. Bloomsbury.
Phillips Galloway, E. (2020). Metalanguage in Middle School. In K. Ganske (Ed.), Mindful of words: Spelling and Vocabulary explorations (2nd edition, pp.). New York: The Guilford Press.
Uccelli, P. & Phillips Galloway, E. (2018). What Teachers Need to Know about Academic Language. In C. T. Adger, C. E. Snow and D. Christian (Eds.) What Teachers Need to Know About Language (2nd edition, pp. 62-74). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Phillips Galloway, E. & Lesaux, N.K. (2015). Reading comprehension skill development and instruction for adolescent English Language Learners: A focus on academic vocabulary instruction. In D. Reed & K. Santi (Eds.) Improving Comprehension for Middle and High School Students (pp. 153-178). New York, NY: Springer Publishing.
Phillips Galloway, E., Lawrence, J.F., & Moje, E.B. (2013). Research in disciplinary literacy: Challenges and instructional opportunities in teaching disciplinary texts. In J. Ippolito & J.F. Lawrence (Ed.). What Middle and Secondary Teachers Need to Know About Adolescent Literacy (pp. 13-36). Cambridge, MA: Harvard Ed. Press.
Gaskins, I. & Phillips Galloway, E. (2010). Beyond Strategy Instruction: Looking at Person, Situation, Task, and Text Variables. In T. Gunnings & J. Collins (Ed.). Developing Struggling Students’ Higher-Level Literacy. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.
Refereed Journal Articles
Hsin, L.B., Phillips Galloway, E. & Snow, C.E. (2024). Supporting social strengths amid emerging bilingualism: effects of Word Generation on social perspective taking in English learners’ writing. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2024.2319869.
White, H.*, Phillips Galloway, E., & Jiménez, R.T. (2023). Bridging theory to practice: Exploring the role of an educative translingual curriculum to support linguistically diverse classroom practices. TESOL Quarterly. DOI:
Phillips Galloway, E. (2023). Operationalizing the Access-Voice-Choice Framework for Equitably and Justly Teaching the Language for School Literacy. The Reading Teacher, 77(2), 226–237. DOI:
Sengupta-Irving, T., Vogelstein, L.*, Brady, C., & Phillips Galloway, E. (2023). Prolepsis & telos: Interpreting pedagogy and recovering imagination in the mediation of youth learning. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 32(2), 211–249, DOI: 10.1080/10508406.2022.2114833.
Phillips Galloway, E., Meston, H.* & Dobbs, C. (2022). Linguistic Cartography: Exploring the Power and Potential of Mapping Language Resources Within Classroom Communities. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, ahead-of-print, 1–16, DOI:
Phillips Galloway, E. & Meston, H.* (2022). Pedagogy of possibility: Proleptic teaching and language learning. Journal of Literacy Research, 54(4), 402–433,
Meston, H.*, Phillips Galloway, E., & Barrack, K.A.+ (2022). Co‐constructing Agency: Weaving Academic Discussion. The Reading Teacher, 76(1), 23–33, DOI:
Phillips Galloway, E. Meston, H.*, & Aguilar, G.* (2022). Teaching ‘register overlap:’ A proposal for a translingual pedagogy to support Spanish and English academic register learning. TESOL Quarterly, 56 (2), 813-826, DOI:
Phillips Galloway, E., Hsin, L., Jensen, B. LaRusso, M., Hong, M.K.*, & Mankowski, K.* (2021). Examining the role of learner and classroom characteristics in the later language learning of Latinx youth and their classmates. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 77, 101353, DOI:
McClain, J.B.*, Harmon, M.* & Phillips Galloway, E. (2021). Eliminating prerequisites for personhood: A framework for enacting antiracist language instruction. Language Arts, 99 (1), 25-36, DOI:
Meston, H. M.*, Phillips Galloway, E., & McClain, J. B.* (2021). “They’re the Ones Who Hold the Answers”: Exploring Educators’ and Students’ Conceptions of Academic Conversation. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 64(4), 409-419, DOI:
Phillips Galloway, E., McClain, J.B.*, & Uccelli, P. (2020). Broadening the Lens on the Science of Reading: A Multifaceted Perspective on the Role of Academic Language in Text Understanding. Reading Research Quarterly, 55, 331–345. DOI:
Phillips Galloway, E., & McClain, J. B.* (2020). Metatalk moves: Examining tools for collective academic discourse learning. The Reading Teacher, 74(3), 305–314, DOI:
Aguilar, G.*, Uccelli, P., & Phillips Galloway, E. (2020). Toward biliteracy: Unpacking the contribution of mid‐adolescent dual language learners’ Spanish and English academic language skills to English reading comprehension. TESOL Quarterly, 54(4), 1010–1036, DOI:
Phillips Galloway, E., Uccelli, P., Aguilar, G.*, & Barr, C. (2020). Exploring the cross-linguistic contribution of Spanish and English academic language skills to English text comprehension for middle-grade dual language learners. AERA Open, 6(1), 2332858419892575, DOI:
Uccelli, P., Phillips Galloway, E., Aguilar, G.*, & Allen, M.+ (2020). Teaching language for access and equity: Towards a theoretically- and empirically-informed model of academic language instruction. Theory into Practice, 59(1), 75-88, DOI:
Uccelli, P., Deng, Z.*, Phillips Galloway, E., Qin, W. (2019). The role of language skills in mid-adolescents’ science summaries. Journal of Literacy Research, 51(3), 357–380, DOI:
Barr, C. D., Uccelli, P., & Phillips Galloway, E. (2019). Specifying the academic language skills that support text understanding in the middle grades: The design and validation of the core academic language skills construct and instrument. Language learning, 69(4), 978-1021, DOI:
Selected as Outstanding Article of the Year Award for 2019 by Language Learning
Phillips Galloway, E., Qin, W., Uccelli, P., & Barr, C. D. (2020). The role of cross-disciplinary academic language skills in disciplinary, source-based writing: Investigating the role of core academic language skills in science summarization for middle grade writers. Reading and Writing, 33(1), 13-44, DOI:
Phillips Galloway, E., Dobbs, C., Olivo, M.+, & Madigan, C.* (2019). ‘You can…’: An examination of language-minoritized learners’ development of metalanguage and agency as users of academic language within a multivocal instructional approach. Linguistics and Education, 50, 13-24, DOI:
Phillips Galloway, E., & Uccelli, P. (2019). Examining developmental relations between core academic language skills and reading comprehension for English learners and their peers. Journal of Educational Psychology, 111(1), 15, DOI:
Phillips Galloway, E. & Uccelli, P. (2019). Beyond reading comprehension: Exploring the additional contribution of academic language skills to early adolescents’ source-based writing. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 32(3), 729–759, DOI:
Uccelli, P., & Phillips Galloway, E. (2017). Academic language across content areas: Lessons from an innovative assessment and from students’ reflections about language. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 60(4), 395-404, DOI:
n.b. Article received commendation for being among the top 10 downloaded,
Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 2017-2018
Phillips Galloway, E., & Uccelli, P. (2015). Modeling the relationship between lexico-grammatical and discourse organization skills in middle grade writers: insights into later productive language skills that support academic writing. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 28(6), 797-828, DOI:
Uccelli, P., Barr, C. D., Dobbs, C. L., Phillips Galloway, E., Meneses, A., & Sanchez, E. (2015). Core academic language skills: An expanded operational construct and a novel instrument to chart school-relevant language proficiency in preadolescent and adolescent learners. Applied Psycholinguistics, 36(05), 1077-1109, DOI:
n.b. 1st most cited paper in Applied Psycholinguistics (2015)
Uccelli, P., Phillips Galloway, E., Barr, C. D., Meneses, A., & Dobbs, C. L. (2015). Beyond vocabulary: Exploring cross‐disciplinary academic‐language proficiency and its association with reading comprehension. 50(3), 337–356, DOI:
n.b. 4st most cited paper in Reading Research Quarterly (2015)
5th most cited author in Reading Research Quarterly (2015)
Phillips Galloway, E., Stude, J., & Uccelli, P. (2015; re-print, 2022). Adolescents’ metalinguistic reflections on the academic register in speech and writing. Linguistics and Education, 31, 221-237, DOI:
n.b. article selected as one of six key articles published in Linguistics and Education over the last three decades to be featured in a special issue tracing impactful research in academic language.
Phillips Galloway, E. & Lesaux, N.K. (2014). Leader, teacher, diagnostician, colleague, and change agent: A synthesis of the research on the role of the reading specialist in this era of RTI‐based literacy reform. The Reading Teacher, 67 (7), 517-526, DOI:
Lawrence, J.F., Phillips Galloway, E., Yim, S., & Lin, A. (2013). Learning to write in middle school? Insights into adolescent writers' instructional experiences across content areas. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 57(2), 151–161, DOI:
Published Conference Papers
Meston, H.* & Phillips Galloway, E. (2020). Invisible Battles: Divergent Conceptions of Student-Centered Talk. In Gresalfi, M. and Horn, I. S. (Eds.), The Interdisciplinarity of the Learning Sciences, 14th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2020, Volume 1 (pp. 529-532). Nashville, Tennessee: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Sengupta-Irving, T., Vogelstein, L.*, Brady, C., & Phillips Galloway, E. (2020). The Pedagogical Moves of Artist Mentors in a Public Library Makerspace. In Gresalfi, M. and Horn, I. S. (Eds.), The Interdisciplinarity of the Learning Sciences, 14th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2020, Volume 4 (pp. 2297-2300). Nashville, Tennessee: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Sengupta-Irving, T., Vogelstein, L.*, Brady, C., & Phillips Galloway, E. (2018). Mentors in the Making: A Case Study of Heterogeneity in Meaning Making at a Public Library Makerspace. In Kay, J. and Luckin, R. (Eds.) Rethinking Learning in the Digital Age: Making the Learning Sciences Count, 13th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2018, Volume 3. London, UK: International Society of the Learning Sciences.